Oct 11, 2019 Weaving through Beijing traffic on my Mobike, marveling at the efficiency of the metro system, scanning Alipay as I purchase fresh yogurt and mangosteens – my summer in China has been a whirlwind of new experiences. Interning with the Beijing office of Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) was my first time working […]
Our Impact
The Harvard China Fund supports scholarship and academic exchange between Harvard and Chinese researchers, with projects ranging from collaboration on China’s disabilities system to cutting edge research on climate change, partnerships focused on modernizing China’s medical system, and legal reform.
Fieldwork Reimagined: Insights from the Landscape Colloquium
Gareth Doherty, an Associate Professor at Harvard’s Graduate School of Design, received a Faculty Conference Grant to host a colloquium surrounding Landscape Architecture at Harvard Center Shanghai in 2024. The colloquium has played an essential role in facilitating cross-cultural communications as well as promoting fieldwork practices in the field of Landscape Architecture.
From student internships and summer school to faculty grants supporting cross-cultural academic exchange and U.S.-China collaboration, Harvard China Fund is working to promote dialogue and deeper U.S.-China understanding.
Oct 11, 2019 Children. Innovation. Limitless. These three words encapsulate my experience at Junior Achievement (JA). As an intern, I didn’t expect much beyond sitting at a desk and staring at my screen. I was wrong. This past week, I was offered the opportunity to help plan, develop, and execute an Innovation Summer Camp. Rarely
Oct 11, 2019 With more than two million of Hong Kong’s seven million residents protesting in the streets, the summer of 2019 was one of the most interesting times to debate issues of freedom, autonomy, security, and order in the context of Hong Kong’s complicated history and its current status as a Special Administrative Region
Sep 13, 2019 Finally was my single dominating thought when I arrived in Shanghai back in June. I was a bundle of nerves, excited to finally get to know a country I’d last visited as a tiny toddler, and the fact that I’d be doing it alongside thirty or so other Harvard interns made the idea
Aug 23, 2019 In order to better understand the incredible cultural subtleties of Hong Kong, it is helpful to imagine a Venn diagram with the biggest circle representing China, and some smaller circles representing the U.K., the Philippines, Nepal, and the United States -all intersecting each other. The distribution of the cultural influence of each
上海的活力让我透彻地理解了生命在于运动。这个城市仿佛有自己的心跳, 川流不息,车水马龙。一次加班到晚上八点,索性下班时打开微信视频,带着身处北京的外公外婆一起神游南京东路和外滩。夜晚的外滩还是一如既往的游人如织。 每次归来,都像游客一样,有着自己的感动。我自豪的指着对岸的国金中心大厦,对外公外婆说“看!那是我工作的地方”。有时则独自漫步于外滩,融化在仲夏夜的人潮中。