Faculty Grant recipient Professor Scott Edwards traveled to China last August to participate in an important symposium on desertification and biodiversity in Northwest China.
Our Impact
The Harvard China Fund supports scholarship and academic exchange between Harvard and Chinese researchers, with projects ranging from collaboration on China’s disabilities system to cutting edge research on climate change, partnerships focused on modernizing China’s medical system, and legal reform.
Promoting the Dignity of Disability in China
In 2008, professors at the Harvard Law School Project on Disability received a faculty grant to support their work in China. With the help of Dr. Fengming Cui, the Project has played an essential role in advancing Chinese disability laws, policies, and education.
From student internships and summer school to faculty grants supporting cross-cultural academic exchange and U.S.-China collaboration, Harvard China Fund is working to promote dialogue and deeper U.S.-China understanding.
Faculty Grant recipient Professor Winnie Yip had an eventful 2023 traveling across China on behalf of the Harvard China Health Partnership (HCHP).
Harvard China Student Internship program participant Jeslyn Liu shares her experience interning at a disability rights non-profit.
Harvard China Student Internship program participant Ricardo Skewes shares his experience interning at PwC Shanghai, living in China, and mastering his Mandarin skills.
In 2008, professors at the Harvard Law School Project on Disability received a faculty grant to support their work in China. With the help of Dr. Fengming Cui, the Project has played an essential role in advancing Chinese disability laws, policies, and education.
With the support of Harvard China Fund’s “(Re)engaging China” grant, Szonyi arrived in China in August 2023 after an almost four-year absence, the longest in my professional career and indeed my adult life. Szonyi has been based at Xiamen University, where he studied as a graduate student and where he continues to collaborate with the Center for Local Historical Documents. He’s been working on two main projects.