Feb 27, 2018 As the fortunate recipient of the Harvard China Fund’s Winter Funding grant, I embarked on two weeks of intensive, one-on-one Mandarin study and a homestay organised through the Mandarin Chinese Learning Center. I can only speak effusively of the positive impacts both my lessons and homelife had on my confidence and ability […]
Student Blog
Aug 15, 2017 When I first arrived in Shanghai, I was unsure of what to expect. I had taken mandarin Chinese classes since seventh grade, but despite a longstanding academic interest in China and a planned joint concentration including East Asian Studies, I had never been before. I was nervous to experience first-hand a culture
Jul 19, 2019 Brand. A simple symbol of status that carries so much more weight here in China than it does in the U.S. While the Harvard brand goes pretty far in China in terms of people treating you better than usual – a three hour wait at Hai Di Lou was cut down to
Aug 8, 2019 People say that time flies when you are having fun. I cannot agree with it more. This is how I feel about my time spent with Value Retail China. When Emmeline contacted me for this blog, I realized that I am half-way through my internship program already. I haven’t worked for any
Aug 1, 2019 As I pass by the local butcher shop after they have already closed for the day, I see several middle-aged people gather around a table to play a few rounds of Mahjong. When we walk through the park to get to our favorite bakery, we see people at my grandmother’s age exercising,
Feb 25, 2019 “只说中文!” “只说中文”—or, translated, No English Allowed—was Rule #1 at the Harvard-Beijing Academy (or, as we called it, 哈北班), where I spent my summer. We took the language pledge together on our first day, all eighty-something of us clustered in an auditorium swearing with our hands on our hearts to only speak Mandarin for