Emmeline Liu

驿动——刘长佳(Bonnie Liu)的上海印象

上海的活力让我透彻地理解了生命在于运动。这个城市仿佛有自己的心跳, 川流不息,车水马龙。一次加班到晚上八点,索性下班时打开微信视频,带着身处北京的外公外婆一起神游南京东路和外滩。夜晚的外滩还是一如既往的游人如织。 每次归来,都像游客一样,有着自己的感动。我自豪的指着对岸的国金中心大厦,对外公外婆说“看!那是我工作的地方”。有时则独自漫步于外滩,融化在仲夏夜的人潮中。

Anmol Gupta On Interning In Taiwan: “An Unforgettable Experience”

Jul 11, 2016 What a ride it’s been so far. From the incredibly hospitable and good-natured people, to the unreal beauty that surrounds this island, to the irresistible food that I get to stuff into my mouth everyday, Taiwan has been an unforgettable experience. Being part of the Harvard China Student Internship Program, I have

William Long’s “Once-In-A-Lifetime Opportunity” At Sinolink Securities

Jul 28, 2016 Working in Shanghai this summer has been an incredible adventure filled with amazing people and experiences! I am working at Sinolink Securities, one of China’s top financial firms involved in securities trading, investment banking, and asset management, on the Global Macro research desk. One of the best parts of the summer was