Mark Wu
Director of the Fairbank Center; Henry L. Stimson Professor of Law

Mark Wu (伍人英) is the Director of the Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies at Harvard University and the Henry L. Stimson Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where he teaches international trade and international economic law. He recently returned to Harvard after serving as Senior Advisor in the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative.
Prior to academia, Wu worked as an engagement manager for McKinsey & Co., where he focused on high-tech companies. He began his career as an economist and operations officer for the World Bank in China, working on environmental, urban development, health, and rural poverty issues.
Wu received his J.D. from Yale Law School, after which he clerked on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and was an Academic Fellow at Columbia Law School. He received his M.Sc. in Development Economics from Oxford University, which he attended on a Rhodes Scholarship, and his A.B. summa cum laude in Social Studies and East Asian Studies from Harvard University.
At Harvard, he has also served as a Faculty Co-Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, and as a faculty affiliate at Harvard’s Asia Center, Center for the Environment, Center for International Development, East Asian Legal Studies, and the Harvard Environmental Economics Program.
Research interests: international trade; international economic law; international intellectual property.
Selected Publications
- The Law of the World Trade Organization (WTO): Documents, Cases & Analysis (West Academy Publishing 2013, with Petros C. Mavroidis).
Recent Articles and Publications
- Wise Lessons in Virtue: A Tribute to Professor William P. Alford, 62 Harv. Int’l L.J. 45 (2021).
- What is Price Suppression in Abnormal Economic Times? Reflections in Light of the Russia-Commercial Vehicles Ruling, 19 World Trade Rev. 182 (2020, with Rodney Ludema).
- Export Restrictions, in Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements 87 (Aaditya Mattoo, Nadia Rocha & Michele Ruta eds., 2020).
- China’s Rise and the Growing Doubts Over Trade Multilateralism, in Trade War: The Clash of Economic Systems Endangering Global Prosperity101 (Meredith A. Crowley ed., 2019).
- Indian Corporations, the Administrative State, and the Rise of Indian Trade Remedies, in The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization 672 (David Wilkins, Vikramaditya S. Khanna & David M. Trubek eds., 2017).
- Externalities and Agricultural Import Bans: Evaluating Regionalization Measures in Light of the Russia – Pigs Dispute (Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 2018/60, Dec. 14, 2018, World Trade Rev., Mar. 29, 2019, with Emily J. Blanchard).
- China’s Export Restrictions and the Limits of WTO Law, 16 World Trade Rev. 673 (2017).
- Digital Trade-Related Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements: Existing Models and Lessons for the Multilateral Trade System (RTA Exch., Int’l Ctr. for Trade and Sustainable Dev. (ICTSD) and the Inter-American Dev. Bank (IDB), Nov. 2017).
- Understanding Agricultural Price Range Systems as Trade Restraints: Peru–Agricultural Products, 15 World Trade Rev. 259 (2016, with Kamal Saggi).
- The WTO and China’s Unique Economic Structure, in Regulating the Visible Hand? The Institutional Implications of Chinese State Capitalism (Benjamin L. Liebman & Curtis J. Milhaupt eds., 2016).
- Trade and Agricultural Disease: Import Restrictions in the Wake of the India – Agricultural Products Dispute, 16 World Trade Rev. 279 (2016, with Kamal Saggi).
- The ‘China, Inc.’ Challenge to Global Trade Governance, 57 Harv. Int’l L.J. 261 (2016).
- Rethinking the Temporary Breach Puzzle in International Trade Law: A Window on the Future of Trade Conflicts, 40 Yale J. Int’l L. 95 (2015).
- Antidumping and Strategic Industrial Policy: Tit-for-Tat Trade Remedies and the China–X-Ray Equipment Dispute, 14 World Trade Rev. 239 (2015, with Michael O. Moore).
- Book Review: The Oxford Handbook on the World Trade Organization (Amrita Narlikar, Martin Daunton & Robert M. Stern eds., 2012), 14 World Trade Rev. 159 (2015).
- The Next Generation of Trade and Environment Disputes: The Rise of Green Industrial Policy, 108 Nw. U. L. Rev. 401 (2014, with James Salzman).
- Safeguards and the Perils of Preferential Trade Agreements: Dominican Republic–Safeguard Measures, 13 World Trade Rev. 179 (2014).
- The Scope and Limits of Trade’s Influence in Shaping the Evolving International Investment Regime, in The Foundations of International Investment Law: Bringing Theory into Practice 169 (Zachary Douglas, Joost Pauwelyn & Jorge E. Vinuales eds., 2014).
- Why Developing Countries Won’t Negotiate: The Case of the WTO Environmental Goods Agreement, 6 Trade, L. & Dev. 93 (2014).
- Yet Another Nail in the Coffin of Zeroing: United States – Anti-Dumping Administrative Reviews and Other Measures Related to Imports of Certain Orange Juice from Brazil, 12 World Trade Rev. 377 (2013).
- Antidumping in Asia’s Emerging Giants, 53 Harv. Int’l L.J. 101 (2012).
- ‘Baggage’ claims Gish Jen, Harvard Law Today, 2017
- HLS WTO moot court team wins All-America regional competition, Harvard Law Today, 2017
- GALLERY: Harvard Law School celebrates Class Day 2017, Harvard Law Today, 2017
- HLS hosts conference on law and development, Harvard Law Today, 2017
- The Making of a Trade Warrior, The Atlantic, 2018
- Mark Wu appointed professor of law, Harvard Law Today, 2018
- The Indian Legal Profession in the Age of Globalization, Harvard Law Today, 2018
- A new dawn for protectionism? From trade wars to mega-regional trade agreements, Brookings Institute, 2018
- Can the US-China trade war be stopped? 11 experts weigh in, Vox, 2018
- Mapped: Chinese exports take over the world, Axios, 2018
- Trump’s Use of National Security to Impose Tariffs Faces Court Test, The New York Times, 2018
- Disciplining China’s Trade Practices at the WTO: How WTO Complaints Can Help Make China More Market‐Oriented, CATO Institute, 2018
- Modi in Davos; Wilkins in India, The Practice, 2018
- Salzburg Cutler Fellows explore the global future of law and governance, Harvard Law Today, 2019
- U.S. Supreme Court Rules That World Bank Can Be Sued, NPR, 2019
- Explainer: What tools could Trump use to get U.S. firms to quit China?, Reuters, 2019
- Letter to the Editor: In Response to ‘The End of the Harvard Century’, The Harvard Crimson, 2020
- Curbing State-Driven Trade Policies, Asia Society Policy Institute, 2020
- The decaying U.S.-China relationship will change each of our lives, Politico, 2020
- Presidential Picks, Harvard Law Today, 2021
- W.T.O. Set to Gain New Chief, but Deep Issues Remain, The New York Times, 2021
- Katherine Tai Represents, Harvard Law Today, 2021
- Biden Appointments Signal a Trade Approach That Hews to the Left, The New York Times, 2021
- China and the American Lake, Monthly Review, 2021
- ‘Democracy and open society, human dignity, doesn’t necessarily win — we have to work for it’, Harvard Law Today, 2022
- When Nixon went to China, Harvard Law Today, 2022
- Why peace in Ukraine isn’t likely soon, The Harvard Gazette, 2022
- ‘Don’t spend your life doing things that don’t move your soul’, Harvard Law Today, 2022
- How industrial standards help explain Russia’s economic motives for invading Ukraine, MarketPlace, 2022
- The Contentious U.S.-China Trade Relationship, The Council on Foreign Relations, 2022