Support Harvard University’s Engagement with China
Ways to Support Harvard China Fund Programs
The success of the Harvard China Fund programs that seek to create transformational experiences for both Harvard students traveling to Greater China and Chinese students attending Harvard, as well as innovative faculty projects and partnerships, depends on the philanthropy of donors worldwide. There are many avenues to support our programs through current-use funding.
Harvard Students to China
$1 million will name an endowed Fund for Harvard Students in China to support internships, study abroad, and other student travel opportunities in Greater China.
$500,000 will establish a Travel Fund to support student experiences in China.
Chinese Students at Harvard
$1 million will name an endowed Fellowship Fund for Students from China to provide full-tuition for one Chinese student at Harvard.
$500,000 will name an endowed Fellowship Fund for Students From China to provide a partial fellowship for one Chinese student at Harvard.
Faculty Research
$5 million $5 million will name a Founder’s Fund for Research and support academic conferences at the Harvard Center Shanghai.
$3 million will name an Annual Research Symposium to be held in Cambridge or Shanghai.
$1 million will name a Scholar’s Fund for Research to support key areas of research through the Faculty Grant Program.
$500,000 will provide Faculty Grants for collaborative research involving Harvard professors and Chinese scholars.