2010 年奖项

“A Digital Archive for Chinese Local History” 

James Robson 和宋怡明 (文理学院--东亚语言与文明)


The two-year grant awarded to James Robson and Michael Szonyi (FAS-East Asian Languages and Civilizations) will support the infrastructure and lay the foundations for a permanent digital archive of unique historical documents and materials collected in various localities in China. The archive project will yield three significant outcomes: 1) produce significant new research on the religion, culture, and society of Hunan province from the Qing dynasty to the present; 2) produce the world’s leading web-based archive for Chinese local historical materials; and 3) create new networks of scholarly collaboration.


课程开设 "中国卫生体制改革 "寒假课程 



Yuanli Liu (HSPH) was awarded a one-year grant to develop a comprehensive curriculum for a Harvard wintersession course on China’s healthcare system reforms. This course will have three parts: 1) a preparatory seminar series at Harvard; 2) three weeks of field study culminating in a policy seminar with the Chinese Ministry of Health; and 3) a final research paper. A series of teaching cases will also be developed into a textbook for use by HSPH, HMS, KSG, and College professors.


“From Hunting and Gathering to Early Village Lifeways – Research & Teaching in China”

Ofer Bar-Yosef(文理学院-人类学)


Ofer Bar-Yosef (FAS-Anthropology) will use his two-year grant to: 1) write a bi-lingual book on the technologies of making Chinese stone tools(including their method of classification and function); 2) teach two Harvard courses in the School of Archaeology and Museuology in Peking University; and 3) conduct joint excavations of an early village site with colleagues from the Institute of Archaeology and Cultural Relics of Hunan Province, Peking University, and Harvard University.
